Esteemed life members,
Assam Academy of Mathematics
We are happy to announce that the 38th Annual Congress of Assam Academy of Mathematics will be held from 30th September to 1st October 2024 at Gurucharan College, Silchar. This year, the congress will be hosted by the Assam Academy of Mathematics Cachar District Branch in association with the Department of Mathematics, Gurucharan College, Silchar.
Dr. Goutam Paul, Associate Professor & Head of the CSRU at IIS Kolkata, will deliver the R.C. Gupta Endowment Annual Lecture on “Pythagoras' Theorem: Mathematical and Historical Perspectives” on September 30th.
The General Body Meeting (GBM) of the life members of Assam Academy Mathematics will be held on 1st October 2024. The General Secretary will present a report on the Academy's activities during the past two years. Moreover, the new Executive Committee for 2024-2026 will also be formed during the GBM.
The details of the programs are also mentioned in the attached brochure. We solicit your kind presence in the event for the common cause of carrying forward the mathematical endeavour of AAM in line with the aims and objectives of the organization.
Dr. Ashish Paul
General Secretary, AAM