The December 1986 general meeting of Assam Academy of Mathematics (AAM) decided to publish a six monthly bilingual (Assamese and English) popular magazine on Mathematics named Ganit Bikash (গণিত বিকাশ) catering to the needs and interests of students and teachers in particular, and all lovers of Mathematics in general.
The first volume of Ganit Bikash edited by Dr. Amala Bezboruah was published right on time and was released during the first Annual Congress of the Academy held on 18-19 July 1987.  Since then Ganit Bikash has appeared regularly twice a year until the July-December issue 2020. Starting from the January 2021 issue, Ganit Bikash is now published quarterly.
From the year 2020 Ganit Bikash is published online.

Current Volume:

Aims and Scope

Ganit Bikash is catered to school and college students and teachers, publishing articles related to any domain of mathematics, theoretical computer science and theoretical physics. We invite well written articles, book reviews, puzzles, problems and solutions, etc. Articles on topics related to school and undergraduate curriculum written in a lucid style are specially welcome.

Instruction for Authors

Authors are requested to send their articles or other material for consideration via email to or Authors are requested to use the Ganit Bikash LaTeX template as far as possible. In case they are unable to write in LaTeX then they are requested to send their articles written in MS Word (in .doc or .docx format). Any images/figures used must be sent as separate attachments.

Editorial Board

Editor: Dr. Kukil Kalpa Rajkhowa (Department of Mathematics, Cotton University, Panbazar, Guwahati-781001) Email: kukilrajkhowa[at]

Editorial Board Members:

Birabrata Das Choudhury (Lecturer (SG) in Mathematics, Bongaigaon Polytechnic, Bongaigaon- 783380, Assam, India) Email: bdaschoudhury[at]

Pankaj Jyoti Mahanta (Managing Editor, Gonit Sora, Vill- Dhalpur, P.O.- Dhalpur, Lakhimpur, Pin- 784165, Assam, India) Email: pjm2099[at]

Dr. Ashish Paul (Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, Cotton University, Guwahati 781001, Assam, India) Email: ashish.paul[at]

Dr. Manjil P. Saikia (Assistant Professor (Guest), Department of Humanities and Basic Sciences, Indian Institute of Information Technology Senapti, Manipur, India) Email: manjil[at]

Dr. Pinkimani Goswami (Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, University of Science and Technology, Meghalaya , Ri-Bhoi Dist, Meghalaya -793101, India) Email id: pinkimanigoswami[at]

Priyankush Deka (PhD Student, Department of Physics, Tezpur University, Tezpur 784028, Assam, India) Email: pkushdeka[at]

Anamika Borah (Assistant Teacher, Mirihula LPS, Moran, Dibrugarh, Assam, India) Email: banamika97[at]

Abhinav Phukan (Analyst, Axtria Pvt Limited, Namghar Path, Teporgaon, Dibrugarh, 786003) Email: ykmphukan[at]


To get the pdf copies of new issues please fill up the form in this link.

Contact Details

To contact please send an email to or or email to any individual editor mentioned above.

Publisher Information

Ganit Bikash is published on behalf of Assam Academy of Mathematics by

Dr. Ashish Paul (General Secretary, Assam Academy of Mathematics)
(Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, Cotton University, Guwahati 781001, Assam, India)

Flat No C-4D
C/O Luku Deka Barman
Purabi Kunti Residency, Uzanbazar
Guwahati, Kamrup Metro
Pin- 781001

Email: ashpaul85[at]
(Replace [at] by @)


An Invitation to Computational Complexity Theory Research (Nutan Limaye)
Primes in subsets of integers (Kunjakanan Nath)
Starting out with Olympiads (Ayan Nath)
Reflections on the 64th IMO (Ananda Bhaduri)
My First Research Article (Ayan Nath)
My First Step Towards Research (Nawal Kishor Hazarika)
Statistical Significance of the New Physics Results (Prachurjya Pran Hazarika)
A Bijective Counting of Dyck Paths by Catalan Numbers (Bishal Deb)
গণিতত প্ৰাৰম্ভিক গৱেষণা : পাইথাগোৰাছৰ উপপাদ্য (বুদ্ধপ্রসাদ চেতিয়া)
কামেশ্বৰ দাস : এক অসাধাৰণ প্রতিভা (ড৹ তাৰকেশ্বৰ চৌধুৰী)
মহাবিদ্যালয় পৰ্যায়ৰ গণিত-শিক্ষণৰ সন্দৰ্ভত (ড৹ খনীন চন্দ্ৰ চৌধুৰী)
সংকাৰক তত্ত্বৰ গদ’ (বি এছ যাদৱ • অনুবাদ : ভৱ কুমাৰ শৰ্মা)
চৰাই আৰু ভেকুলী (ফ্ৰিমেন ডাইছন • অনুবাদ: প্ৰিয়াংকুশ ডেকা)
গণিতজ্ঞ (জন ভন নয়মেন • অনুবাদ: প্ৰিয়াংকুশ ডেকা)
গাণিতিক সৃষ্টি (অঁৰি পইনকাৰে • অনুবাদ: প্ৰিয়াংকুশ ডেকা)
জনি ভন নয়মেনৰ বাগিচাৰে পদব্ৰজে ভ্ৰমণ (ফ্ৰিমেন ডাইছন • অনুবাদ: প্ৰিয়াংকুশ ডেকা)
ৰামানুজনৰ বাগিচাৰে পদব্ৰজে ভ্ৰমণ (ফ্ৰিমেন ডাইছন • অনুবাদ: প্ৰিয়াংকুশ ডেকা)
গৱেষণা-পত্ৰ কেনেকৈ পঢ়িব লাগে (শ্ৰীনিবাসন কেশৱ • অনুবাদ: প্ৰিয়াংকুশ ডেকা)
কলাকাৰ আৰু গণিতজ্ঞ : ৪ৰ্থ অধ্যায় (আমিৰ এক্‌জেল • অনুবাদ: ড৹ খনীন চন্দ্ৰ চৌধুৰী)
মেৰিনা ভিয়াজভস্কা (মাৰিয়ান ফ্ৰেইবাৰ্গাৰ • অনুবাদ: প্ৰিয়াংকুশ ডেকা)
জেমছ মেয়নাৰ্ড (ৰেছেল থমাছ • অনুবাদ: প্ৰিয়াংকুশ ডেকা)
\(i\) ৰ বাটেৰে ভ্ৰমণ (প্ৰাঞ্জল তালুকদাৰ)
সংখ্যা-যাদু : বৰ্গফল (অলিন্দ দাস)
খেল তত্ত্বৰ পৰিচয় (অংকুৰ গগৈ) 
তিনিটা বাকচ আৰু \(\pi\)-ৰ গণনা (ৰাহুল দাস)